Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Homework for Nov. 30, 2011
7th Graders: Read the packet for "Feel the Beat".  Be prepared to answer oral questions to show  that you did the reading.

6th Graders:  Finish writing answers* to Analysis Questions 1-4 on page B37 to B38.  Use the hard copy that I handed out, left attached to the white board, or use the link to SEPUP/Lab-Aids (  We're finishing Activity 18, Properties of Plastic, in the Unit: "Chemistry of Materials".   
* Answer AQs 1-4 UNLESS you already answered AQs 1-2 (if so then you only need to answer 3-4).    Also, if you did not yet take the Vocabulary quiz, you will take it tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homework for 11/29/11 -

7th Gr. -
A) Study for your vocab quiz. Vocab words on the quiz are: control, circulatory system, indicator, pulse, regulate, respiratory system, and Recovery Time (defined in book as "the time it takes for your pulse to return to within 20% of your resting pulse". Be sure to add this to your vocab section.  If you are missing any of the other definitions, I'll rewrite them at the bottom of this entry, after the 6th graders' assignments).

B) write a Hypothesis about an activity you could use to cause your pulse rate to increase.

C) Also write or print the following notes on a separate piece of paper and insert it into your science notebook after the Nov. 1, 2011 lesson "Support System: Bones, Joints and Muscles":

"Simple machine - a machine that makes work easier. It takes the effort that you put into the machine and changes its size, direction, or speed. Six types of machines (the "Classical Simple Machines") have been studied since the Ancient Greeks and are still built into our devices today, including the:
1. Lever – a bar that is free to turn around a fixed point; the fixed point is called a fulcrum; 3 classes. Ex: scissors.
2. Wheel & axle – 2 different sized wheels that turn together around the same point, called an axle. Ex: pencil sharpener, wrench & bolt.
3. Pulley – rope wrapped around a wheel. Ex: motor belt; bike chain around the gears (sometimes called a "derailleur").
4. Inclined plane – slanted surface, or ramp. Ex:Truck ramp.
5. Wedge- a double inclined plane. Ex: knife blade; fire axe.
6. Screw- an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.

D) Tomorrow at the beginning of class, I will check your Simple Machine notes, as well as your Reflection and 5 STAR note questions from yesterday.
6th Gr. Per. 2- For those who are taking the vocab quiz tomorrow, study your vocab homework.  All students should work on their project re-write.  Due Friday, no further extensions

6th Gr. Per. 3 -
a) For the vocab quiz tomorrow, study your vocab homework.
b) Bring in a piece of plastic with a number in a triangle on the bottom. 
c) ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER, answer Analysis Questions 1 & 2 on pg. B-37:
    1. Using evidence from your table, "Properties of Plastics", identify the plastics which were scratched.  How will this property affect their use? 
   2. Below is a scale (If I can't completely reproduce it here, you need to check the electronic version of the book using your Resources for Students half-sheet that you are supposed to keep in your science notebook) showing the relative density of the four liquids you used to determine the density of the plastics. 
      a. Which plastic sample was the most dense?  Explain your evidence. 
      b.  Which plastic sample is the least dense?  Explain your evidence.

 7th graders: your vocab term definitions are:
  • control- A standard of comparison for checking the results of an experiment. In the  experimental group,  a single variable is changed. The results are compared to the control in order to see if the one changed variable had any effect.
  • circulatory system- system of organs and tissues, including the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries that transports nutrients, oxygen and waste around the body.
  • indicator- A chemical that indicates the presence, absence, or concentration of a particular substance.
  • pulse - rhythmic stretching of arteries caused by blood being forced through the arteries by contractions of the heart.
  • regulate - the process of keeping chemicals and conditions in the body balanced.
  • respiratory system -  The system of organs that work together to take oxygen into the body and to remove carbon dioxide from the body.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's good to be back so I can start putting this weekend's IB training into effect. 

Homework:  6th graders are working on a Reflection about atoms and elements, molecules and compounds.  What did you learn in class today?

7th graders: 5 star note questions.

Wednesday's homework:  have a Good Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/17/11 - Homework:
7th Graders have a Current Event due tomorrow, together with working on the packet about nutrition and Poverty in America.

6th Graders: Current Event.  Find your own article or use an article linked below: note that I heavily edited the article in the hard copy version that I handed out at school.  Extra credit available on the second article if you can write one good sentence on  any aspect of the design in this experiment. Examples of experimental design would include discussion of variables, procedures, evidence, or data analysis.

AS you know, a current event must include Title, Author, Date and Source (TADS) plus a summary in your own words. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hi students! 
Congratulations on completing 1st Quarter.
Enjoy your Veteran's Day off, and give thanks to a veteran if you know one, or at least think about how much they have given to protect us.

7th Graders: Those of you who came in during lunches over the last weeks for the extra credit on the Anatomy lesson ("What's Going On Inside?") really helped your grades! 
Homework due Monday: Fill out the first two columns for the K -W - L chart about the Cardiovascular system!

6th Graders:  Homework due Monday: For our project, you will choose an article FROM THE PACKET and write an outline or draft editorial about it. 
1. Read the article,
2. Figure out what the Main Idea is (what events described in the article are most important?)
3. Choose a position either for or against those events
4. Go through the article again and circle, highlight, or underline all supporting details (especially facts) that support your position. 
5. Type out the Main Idea and Supporting Details to write your outline or draft editorial. An editorial is an article in which you give your opinion.
6. If you don't use a computer for your outline or draft editorial, try this.  Write one idea or detail on a cut-out paper square (or sticky note, Post-It, or index card). Then put the ideas/details in the order based on which facts or details support which part of your opinion.

ALSO, you should already have shown me your completed Table of Household Hazardous Materials.  If you have not, please work with a grown-up in your home and find at least 5 products, then fill out your table.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Vocab quiz tomorrow for all 6th and 7th graders.  Homework assignment: study for quiz (and 7th graders also have to write answers on an SPP for some Analysis Questions on today's lab). 
See the entry from 11/7/11 below for the list of words and definitions.  

Extra credit available, for all 6th and 7th graders, since you looked at the blog. To get 1 extra credit point, on the front of your quiz, write down the word "hypothesis".  For a second extra credit point, write down the definition: "testable prediction".  As before, extra credit is available on the quiz if you write and study vocab word flash cards ("cards" can be any form of paper as long as a vocab word is written on one side, definition on the other, with your name written on 1 or more cards) if you bring them to the quiz. 

The quarter closes tomorrow.  DO well on the quiz and it could help your grade!  Do poorly and it could help you. 

* All 6th Graders: I need to see your completed Hazardous Materials Table tomorrow if you did not turn it in today. 

* If you're one of those 6th graders who keep missing 2nd period [due to 1)advisory, 2) band practice], you need to contact a study buddy or someone else in one of my classes to find out what you'r e missing. Hazardous Materials Table and Editorial Project is due Nov. 15.

Monday, November 7, 2011

7th graders - Homework is to: 1) write 5 STAR note questions based on today's notes; and  
2) Reflect on and revise your answer to the Challenge question ("How much carbon dioxide is in your exhaled breath? Give evidence").
Vocab quiz on the following vocabulary words on THURSDAY:
a) respiratory system - The system of organs that work together to take oxygen into the body and to remove carbon dioxide from the body.  Your body uses oxygen to get energy from food, and carbon dioxide (a/k/a CO2) is a waste product from that process. 
b) indicator - chemicals that change their appearance in different types of solutions.  Ex: BTB
c) tendons - tissue that attaches muscles to bones
d) Ligaments - are pieces of white tissue that attaches the bones together at the joint.
e) bones - hardened connective tissue that forms the skeleton in most vertebrates.
f) growth plates - areas near the ends of long bones in children & teens that produce new bone tissue & determine the length & shape of adults' bones.

g) joints - A junction between 2 or more bones, usually allowing some motion.
h) Simple Machines - a machine that makes work easier by taking the effort put into the machine and changing its size, direction, or speed. Ex: lever, wedge, wheel & axle.
i) lever - a bar that is free to turn around a fixed point, called a fulcrum.
j) muscles - tissues in a system that help various parts of the body to move
k) contract - muscle cells slide over each other, making the muscle smaller, which pulls tendons and bones to cause joint movement. You bend your arm by contracting your bicep.
l) relax - muscle cells slide away from each other, making the muscle longer, which partly releases the pull on tendons bones; opposite of contract.k)

6th graders - For your project, complete the Household Hazardous Materials Table, which will be checked on Wednesday.  Also, those of you who have checked the blog have an advantage.  We will have a vocab quiz on the following vocabulary words on THURSDAY:
1) Atoms - tiny particles that make up each element. A pure sample of an element contains many atoms of the same type.
2) Element  - is a substance that cannot be  broken down into simpler substances by heating it or causing it to react with other chemicals
3) Molecules - two or more types of atoms held together by bonds
4) Compounds - substances formed when elements react.  Substances made up of molecules (two or more types of atoms held together by bonds) are called compounds.
5)Hardness - what else will scratch it? What will it scratch?
6) Luster- is it shiny? In other words, does it strongly reflect light? If not, we say it looks "dull". If yes, it can be "brilliant" (very shiny); "glassy", "metallic", or "waxy".
7) Light Transmission - Does light pass through it? Transparent means light passes through it (ex: glass); Translucent means some light passes through it but it is blurry; and Opaque, which means that light does not pass through the material.
8) Texture - How does it feel when you touch the material? Is it smooth, rough, grainy, or gritty?
9) Flexibility - Does the material bend with gentle pressure? If no, it is inflexible; if it bends slightly, it is somewhat flexible; if it bends easily, then it is very flexible.
10) Reaction with HCl - does it bubble, smoke, change color, give off heat, light, precipitate, or gas?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nov. 3 Homework

7th Graders - Since we were unable to take the test today, please review the Study Guide.  You have all been given a copy of the Study Guide, and it is reproduced on yesterday's blog post, which you can find if you scroll down this page. Please have your study guide with you when you come into class and put it in the homework drawer for 7-$ near the front door to room 235.  Then you'll take your test and then get to work. 

6th Graders - Tonight's homework is a current event.  Find your own article (must be about science, less than 2 months old) or use this one about the element Helium (chemical symbol: He):  Whichever way you choose, attach a copy of the article and follow the current event format. That format means that you should write out:                              1.title,                                                                                                                        ,,                                                                                                                  , 3.source,                                                                                                                      ,   4. date; and                                                                                                      .          5.write a summary. Your summary should written be in your own words about what's important to the article, that is, the main idea, and give supporting details.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Review for DBA

Homework for November 2, 2011: Study Guides for 7th graders and 6th graders. Sixth graders will find their study guide lower on this page, after the 7th graders' guide.

As discussed last week, my 6th and 7th graders will have a short Assessment tomorrow.  Check to be sure that you have the correct grade before doing your work on one of the following study guides:
7th Grade: Print this out & write answers to all questions.  Check 1-2-3 (that means your minds and notebooks, your study buddies, and the internet). Turn it  in on Thurs., Nov. 3.
1. Digestive system:
  a. Be able to name and describe the function of the parts of the digestive system on a diagram. See
  b. Know where mechanical digestion takes place, where chemical digestion takes place, and where both take place (hint: Spit).
 c. What if you lost your liver?  Better find it and take care of it!

2. Respiratory system: know where it is and what it looks like.  See
  a. Which organ takes oxygen from the air and transfers (moves it) into the blood stream: __________,       
  b. Which other organs exchange (or trade) oxygen & carbon dioxide with the atmosphere: _______.

3. Know how to Study People Scientifically:
   a.  What is a hypothesis and what words should it contain?  ___ and _____.
   b.  You are designing (or planning) an experiment.  Name the parts of an experiment:
         1. Problem    2. H__________  3. P__________ ; Materials   5. D_____   6. C_________
   c.   What is a variable? 
   d.   How many variables should you allow to change in an experiment? 
   e.   What are controlled variables? 
   f.   Data: know the difference between quantitative and qualitative data. 

4.  Medicine Clinical Trials:
  a. Define: advantage
  b. Define: disadvantage
  c. Define: Trade-off.
  d. what is a placebo?
  e. What is the placebo effect?
  f. How is a placebo different from the Placebo effect?
  g. In a clinical trial, do you want a large sample size or a small one? Which is better and why?

5. Review the reading packet (pp. B28-37)  from the Support Systems (chicken wing) lesson. 
  a. What is bone? 
  b. What is bone's function (what does it do)? 
  c. What is muscle? What is muscle's function (what does it do)?
  d. What are the 3 types of muscle?
  e. What are tendons? 
  f. What are ligaments?

6th Grade: study Guide - If you got less than 70 on your last test, you also have to get a parent signature and write a reflection.  
6th Grade: Print this out & write answers to all questions.  Check 1-2-3 (that means     1: your minds and notebooks, 2: your study buddies, and the 3:internet). For any new material, you have the information you need in this sheet and we'll discuss tomorrow. Turn in your Study Guide on Thurs., Nov. 3.
1. Elements -
  a. What is an element?
  b. Look at the Periodic Table in your agenda.  Each element has a symbol with a capital letter, and sometimes also with a lower case letter. Ex: C is the element Carbon, O is the element Oxygen and Ne is the element Neon.  Two capital letters together means you have a compound made up of two or more elements.  Ex: CO is the compound Carbon Monoxide. Is H an element or a compound?  _________ Is He an element or a compound?_________.  Is NaOH _________an element or a compound? 
  c. Look at the Periodic Table in your agenda.  Elements can be broken down into groups, including:
     i) Metals - they have a shiny luster, good at conducting heat and electricity, and are bendable; Look up and give some examples -better to use chemical symbols. Ex: _______,_________,__________); and        
   ii) Non-metals - dull with no luster, not good at conducting heat or electricity, and brittle and not bendable.

2. Mixtures - What can equipment be used to separate mixtures into their parts?  Name them.

3. When separating mixtures, you may need to separate: 1.liquid from liquid, 2. solid(s) from liquid,
     3. small solids from large solids, 4. iron filings from sugar, and 5.dissolved solids (like salt or sugar) from liquid.  If you had to separate the materials on the list that you just read, which of the following equipment would you use?
  a. dropper -
  b. screen -
  c. filter paper in a funnel-
  d. a pan with a heating source (burner, stove or sunny spot)
  e. magnet.

4. Volume: How do you find the volume of an irregular object (ex: small candy pumpkin)? Explain.

5. Density = mass divided by volume. Complete the equation D = m/__. The density of water is __ gram per cubic centimeter or milliliter (for water, 1g = 1mL = 1cm3).  If an object is more dense than 1g/cm3, it will (circle one):    a. float       b. sink        c. hover       d. disappear

6. How is a physical property different from a chemical property?

7. Know what you use each of the following measurement tools for:
  a .meter stick (answer: _____________)
  b. graduated cylinder (answer: __________)
  c. triple beam balance (answer: __________)
  d. spring scale (answer: weight)

8. Know the difference between physical change (change in size or shape without changing material) and chemical change (chemical change in material and its properties, ex: burning a paper, dissolve meat in acid).

Hey, stop feeding my fish so much - they're getting fat!  :-)