Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hi students: Homework for tonight

[Hmmmmmm.   You're probably thinking that this looks alot like last night's entry.  Did last night's entry say that you need to write and answer this question on extra SSP for extra credit and turn it in tomorrow morning at start of class:  How many mm make up one cm?]

; )

7th Graders should finish their study guides in preparation for Friday's test.

6th Graders should complete and review their study guides in preparation for Friday's test.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hi students: Homework for tonight:
7th Graders should finish their study guides in preparation for Friday's test.
6th Graders should answer on SPP the Analysis Questions 1, 2 & 5 for Activity 46 Investigating Solutions of Acids and Bases.  Find the new link to our on-line book (SEPUP) at the top of the LINKS section on this blog.  If you've answered those questions, then complete and review their study guides in preparation for Friday's test.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Homework for Monday Feb. 27 -
7th Gr:   Complete at least the first page of your Study Guide.  I plan to review on Tuesday, Tuesday night's homework will be to complete page 2 and any page 3, then we test on Wednesday.  Some additional definitions that should be in your notes but if not, you can find them here:

1.  What is meiosis?  Division of sex cells (eggs and sperm).  Mitosis, however, is how the body reproduces body cells to replace dead cells.
      2.  What are Punnett squares? Diagrams that are used to show the likelihood of each outcome of  a breeding experiment
       3.      What is a pedigree?  A tree (organizer) constructed from data collected on a single trait within a family.
4.   What is a carrier?  An organism that carries and transmits a disease without showing signs of the disease; genetic disease in a carrier with heterozygous genotype where the dominant allele masks the recessive, disease-causing allele. 
5.  What is an organism's genotype?  An individual's pair of alleles for a specific gene or group of genes that determine a trait.
6. What is an organism's phenotype?  An organism's observable traits. 
7.Chromosome - a strand of DNA that contains the genes that store hereditary information. Normal human body cells contain 23 pairs (46) of chromosomes. 

6th Gr: HW: 1) Next 8 questions on study guide; & 2) Copy down these terms to your vocab section:
Acid - a chemical that, in water, forms a solution with a pH below 7. Ex: HCl, H2SO4, HCO3, HNO3. The lower the pH below 7 means the acid is more concentrated. Acids have certain properties (react with indicator chemicals to change colors [pH <7], corrosive to metal & tissue, sour taste, conduct electricity). An acidic substance has properties of acids.

Base -a chemical that, in water, forms a solution with a pH above 7. Ex: NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2, NH4OH. The higher the pH above 7 means stronger, more concentrated base. Bases have certain properties (react with indicator chemicals to change colors (pH >7), corrosive to tissue, bitter taste, slippery feel, conduct electricity). An basic substance has properties of bases.
INDICATOR - is one of many chemicals that change color in the presence of certain types of other chemicals (ex: acids or bases).
Neutral - pH of 7 indicates that the solution is neither acidic nor basic. Ex: water.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

7th Graders -  Copy the following definition(s) into your science notebook vocab section                                           .
9. Chromosomes A strand of DNA—and sometimes associated proteins—that contains the genes that store hereditary information.
12. Diversity  - variety of traits that can be found in different offspring from two parents.  As we examine more traits, we find even greater diversity.

Don't forget - I need to check those Reflections tomorrow!  Have them ready as you come into class!

6th Graders - answer 8 more questions on the Water Unit Study guide.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

6th graders: finish your lab reports!  They are overdue and must be turned in by Friday. Also, you have study Guides for the Water unit test coming up during the week we return. Answer Questions 1-8 on an SPP.

7th Graders: finish PUnnett Square sheets.

Also, try the new link for SEPUP (Lab-Aids) at the top of my links section. Can you  get through to the e-book?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Homework tonight:
7TH GRADERS:  Write up your data table based on your coin flips so we can tabulate class data tomorrow.  Definitions posted below:
1. Allele - A variant, or version, of a gene
2. Dominant - The genetic condition in which one copy of a version of a gene (an allele) in an individual gives rise to an observed trait.
3. Heterozygous An organism that has two different alleles for a specific trait.
4. Homozygous An organism that has two identical alleles for a specific trait.
5. Probability - likelihood of each possible outcome. Ex: Mendel found that the probability of a seed being green was about 1 out of 4 in every third generation  of pea plants. Also, a branch of mathematics studying the type and number of results to expect in a given number of trials or chances.
6. Random - unpredictable, without reason or pattern
7. Recessive - genetic condition in which a trait is not observed in the phenotype of a heterozygous individual.

6th graders: per 2- answer all AQs from todays lab - Note: use the new Laab-Aids link at the top of my links column, then go to the bottom of the page and click on student Log-In.  Also, copies were available in class today or use the online book and work on your lab reports -they are overdue and must be turned in ASAP. Per 3 - work on your lab reports -they are overdue and must be turned in ASAP.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today's Homework

Hi Boys and Girls - Sorry I couldn't come to school today. I'm feeling better now, so I expect to be back tomorrow. Tonight's homework:
Seventh Graders:  make sure that you have the following definitions in your vocab sections:

Allele - A variant, or version, of a gene.
Dominant - The genetic condition in which one copy of a version of a gene (an allele) in an individual gives rise to an observed trait. Ex: brown hair is dominant over blond hair.
Probability - likelihood of each possible outcome. Ex: Mendel found that the probability of a seed being green was about 1 out of 4 in every third generation of pea plants.  Also, a branch of mathematics studting the type and number of results to expect in a given number of  trials or chances.
random - unpredictable, without reason or pattern.
recessive - genetic condition in which a trait is not observed in the phenotype of a heterozygous individual.
Sixth Graders: Work on your Lab Reports for Dissolving Duels, do Friday.  Then, work on finishing your "My Water Cycle Story".  Also, make sure that you have the following definitions in your vocab sections (if you already have identical definitions for some or all of these terms in your current vocab section, you don't need to re-write them):
  1. physical properties - characteristic of a substance or material that we can observe without changing the material, help to identify pure substances, and don't change if the sample is large or very small. Ex: color, density, flexibility, hardness.
  2. quantitative data - measurements (data with numbers), such as volume or mass.
  3. qualitative - characteristics people can perceive without making measurements.
  4. solid - substance with definite shape and volume, as particles are closely packed together, and move very little (vibration).
  5. Solubility - how well a substance can dissolve in a certain solvent such as water; solubility can be measured, and varies from substance to substance.
  6. Soluble- A substance (a solute) that is able to dissolve in a solvent (solid, liquid or a gas). "Insoluble" means that the solute won't dissolve in a certain solvent.
  7. Solute/solvent - the solute is a substance that dissolves in the solvent. Ex: sugar in water
  8. Solution- The mixture that results when one substance, the solute, evenly dissolves in a solvent, another substance - usually a liquid such as water.
  9. substance - Anything that has mass and takes up space.
  10. vapor - The gas phase of a substance (ex: water vapor, not steam, is gaseous water).
  11. Variable - Any factor that can change the outcome of an experiment.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homework for Feb. 7, 2012

7th Graders: 1. Copy down the defined words in your notes, and copy the following definitions in your science notebook vocab section:
  1. asexual reproduction - one-parent reproduction; Process by which organisms make exact copies of themselves without the union of gametes (egg & sperm). Ex: budding, runners as with some plants, dividing in two as with bacteria. 
  2. cell - The smallest structural unit enclosed by a membrane that makes up all living organisms.
  3. clone - An offspring produced by asexual reproduction, either naturally or through artificial processes.
  4. fertilization - The union of a male sperm and a female egg to form a zygote.
  5. Gene - A specific sequence of DNA that determines one or more traits. Each gene is a small portion of a chromosome. Genes give instructions to the body.
  6. Hypothesis – a testable prediction; an explanation based on observed facts or an idea of how things work.
  7. Inherited – The passage of traits from parent to offspring.
  8. Modeling - models simplify processes to help us understand or communicate an idea or point, enhancing our understanding of what happens in places that are inaccessible (too big, too small, too dangerous).
  9. mutation - A change in the DNA of a gene that can lead to a different trait.
  10. offspring - Each new organism produced, either sexually (two parents each contributing ½ of the offspring’s genes) or asexually (one parent makes a copy).
  11. sexual reproduction - two-parent reproduction; Process by which a sperm cell from a male unites with an egg cell from a female to produce offspring that inherit genes and  traits from both parents. 
6th Graders: Period 3 students: keep working on your Lab Reports (due Friday), start writing your Water Cycle Story (due Monday), plus the homework of Period 2 students: 
Periods 2 & 3 Students: keep working on your Lab Reports (due Friday); also copy down the defined words 1-5 plus a., b., c., and d. in your notes, and copy the definitions for those words in your current science notebook vocab section (Water unit). If there is no blank for one or more of these words, please use the closest open spot or write in the margin or on a sticky note:
  1. Concept map  - is an example of a graphic organizer that shows relationships among important ideas.
  2. gas - substance that has no definite shape or volume; gas particles spread far apart.
  3. liquid - substance with definite volume but no definite shape; particles in a liquid spread far apart enough to flow or pour and take.
  4. particles - the atoms or molecules or other small parts that all substances are made of. Ex: Water = compound made of identical water molecules; gold (an element) is made of identical gold atoms.
  5. phase - a homogeneous state of matter - gas, liquid, or solid. During a change from one phase to another, the particles don't change, but their arrangement & distance from each other do. Phase changes include: a. melting -solid to liquid; b. freezing - liquid to solid; c. boiling/evaporation -liquid to gas; d. condensation - gas to liquid; e. sublimation- solid to gas; f. deposition - gas to solid. (Homogeneous means that it appears all the same).
physical properties - characteristic of a substance or material. Ex: color, density, flexibility, hardness. These properties help identify pure substances and don't change if the sample is large or very small.
quantitative data - measurements, such as volume or mass
qualitative - characteristics people can perceive without making measurements.
solid - substance with definite shape and volume, as particles are closely packed together, and move very little (vibration).
Solubility - how well a substance can dissolve in a certain solvent such as water; solubility can be measured, and varies from substance to substance.
Soluble, insoluble - A substance (a solute) that is able to dissolve in a solvent (solid, liquid or a gas).

Solute/solvent - the solute is a substance that dissolves in the solvent. Ex: sugar in water
Solution- The mixture that results when one substance, the solute, evenly dissolves in a solvent, another substance - usually a liquid such as water.
substance - Anything that has mass and takes up space.
vapor - The gas phase of a substance (ex: water vapor, not steam, is gaseous water).
Variable - Any factor that can change the outcome of an experiment.