Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mountain Building

We've simulated in the classroom how mountains can be made. Some mountains are made by compressed folding crust, some are made by blocks that are stretched out, squeezed, or uplifted. Tomorrow: we'll finish that, do a brief discussion of dome mountains, and then move into volcanoes. Anyone interested in challenge or EC work: you have 1 week to make a working volcano model. Limits: no flammable or explosive chemicals can be used in the classroom to make the volcano "erupt".

Homework: some classes were to answer questions in writing:
Blue: 1. Can you explain how mountains fold?
2. Compare and contrast "anticline" and "syncline".
3. Explain the difference between when crust folds , and when it breaks. Why does this
happen? What does it cause?

Yellow: 1. How is a normal fault different from a thrust fault?
2. How is a normal fault different from a reverse fault? and
3. How are normal, thrust & reverse faults different from a strike-slip fault?

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