Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homework for Thursday night:
7th Graders:  On SPP, answer all questions on worksheet about Sea Floor Spreading. 

6th Graders:  Weather Unit Test tomorrow! Study your review sheets!  
Asnwers to Review Sheet Questions:

19. States of matter:
a. Name the states of matter: _solid, liquid, gas__ or plasma;
b. How does matter change state from:
      i. solid to liquid? Add: energy(heat); iii. from liquid to gas? Add: energy(heat)
c. Does water exist in all of the states that you named? _yes___
     i. What do we call the solid form of water?_ice____
     ii. What do we call the gas form of water?_water_ _vapor_
d. Fill in the data table below with a yes (Y) or a No (N) to describe the states of matter:
solid:  a little; vibrate   N     N    precipitation (hail, snow, sleet) and collection (glacier)
liquid: flow or pour     Y     N   Precip(rain), Collection(surface /groundwater), Condensation(clouds)
gas:    a lot                 Y    Y     Evaporation (water vapor), start of Condensation

20. d
21. a. climate type is polar; low precipitation and temperature
     b. climate type is temperate; Stamford has high precipitation and moderate temperatures.
     c. climate type is tropical; moderate precipitation and high temperatures.

22. RISK is the _chance that a particular action or event could result in something unfavorable, such as _injury_or death.

23. a. hurricanes(top)- the risk is highest in Florida:
b. floods(middle)- the risk is highest in North Dakota;
c. tornadoes (bottom) - the risk is highest in Oklahoma:
d. Which of these disasters is most likely in Connecticut and why? Tthe risk is highest in CT for hurricanes and tornadoes based on past experience as shown mby the maps.

24. What instruments are used to measure the following weather factors:
a. Temperature: _thermometer_
b. Rain or snow: _rain gauge or ruler_
c. Wind speed _anemometer_________
d. Wind direction __wind vane________
e. Air pressure __barometer________

 25. Coastal areas like Shippan stay cooler in the summer than inland areas (ex: North Stamford).  Shippan is near a large body of water (Long Island Sound or LIS).  Large bodies of water heat up more slowly than land areas; in the summer, they stay cooler and the air over them stays cooler than inland areas.  Once they're heated up after the long summer, large bodies of water hold their heat, cooling off slowly.  This is why areas near a large body of water are warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer than inland areas.
26. Local and regional weather are affected by the amount of solar energy the area receives and proximity to a large body of water. Explain why and give examples: The Sun's solar energy shines down most directly and most strongly on areas of Earth near the equator, so areas near the equator are hot.  The Sun's energy does not strike the North and South Poles strongly; the light is much more spread out or diluted, one reason why the Poles are very cold most of the year.  The Sun's energy striking some places but not others causes warm ocean currents, pressure differentials that lead to winds, and makes the water cycle work (evaporation). It also warms large bodies of water, which changes temperatures on nearby land.  For instance, the Gulf Stream brings warm water north from the Equator, which helps keep Connecticut from having as cold a climate as other places at our latitude (41 deg. North).  
27.  Explain how changes in temperature, pressure, moisture and density of air create weather. Air masses with different temperature, pressure, humidity have different densities, and when they collide at a front, they may cause precipitation or storms.   Different temperatures create differences in pressure, and this causes winds.

28. Adding heat  increases the amount of spacing between particles.

29. a. cumulus; thunder-storms.
     b. cooler; clear; high.
     c. stratus; days of rain.

30. a. Sea Breeze -  warms up; cooler;rises; sea; sea breeze
      b. Land Breeze - coolswarms; dense; Land Breeze.  

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