Tuesday, January 15, 2013

8th Grade: Homework tonight will be to work on the Moon Observation Project, due at the end of the month, and Answer questions and define vocabulary to Complete your Blueprint (Study Guide) for your Mid Term Exam, now scheduled for TOMORROW Wed., January 16.

6th grade Homework: Answer questions and define vocabulary to Complete the SECOND half of the study guide for your Mid Term Exam, now scheduled for THURSDAY January 17.
Vocab (write words in science notebook; words & definitions go in vocab section)

  • atom- the smallest particle of an element; each element is made up only of atoms that are unique to that element. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter.
  • Atomic mass - the mass of the smallest particle of the element.
  • chemical formula - shorthand notation to show elements, compounds, and how they react with each other. Ex: H = Hydrogen Cl = Chlorine, O = Oxygen. A compound is identified by its combination and proportion of elements. Ex: H2O, CO2.
  • compound - chemical combinations of elements.
  • Element - substance that can not be broken down into simpler substances by heating it or causing it to react with other chemicals. An element is made up of many atoms, all of the same type.
  • Family (of elements) - group of elements in a column of the PTE based on similar chemical properties.
  • Metal- category of elements with luster or shiny surface, good conductivity, and flexibility (can be melted, fused, hammered into sheets or drawn into wires).
  • molecule-The smallest part of a compound that has the properties of that compound. Molecules are atoms combined in a certain ratio.
  • Periodic Table of the Elements (PTE)- arrangement of elements into a table based on their properties.

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