Tuesday, March 12, 2013

During CMTs, homework will not be required.

6th graders - put the following definitions in your vocab section by 3/16/13:
1.  Water contamination /contaminants - substances found in most natural water sources, as rainwater flows through streams and rivers, sits in lakes, or soaks through layers of rock and soil. Contaminants can be harmful or beneficial.
2. Water pollution - Water contamination that is harmful and caused by human activities. 
3. Chemical contamination - any natural or synthetic chemicals from human activity, such as nitrates, mercury, gas, oil, antifreeze from cars, and copper.
4. Biological contamination - living or once-living organisms, including bacteria (ex:virio cholerae, e.  Coli), viruses (hepatitis), and protozoans (cryptosporidium, giardia), often spread through fecal material.
5. Waterborne disease - a disease caused (or carried) by water.

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