Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My classes rock!! (That's a geology joke......   :  )

Homework for Wednesday 3/18/15:

Copy the following vocab words into your science notebook:

Clay - microscopic particles of rock found in soil.

Decomposing - breaking down.

Nutrients - basic chemicals from organic matter that plants can use to feed and grow.  Ex: N, P, K.

Organic matter - decomposing plants, animals, fungi, bacteria.  Matter is organic if it is, or was once, alive.

Particles - small pieces of matter. Ex: Broken particles of rock found in soil include sand, silt and clay.

Rock - Naturally-formed solids made up of one or more minerals. Ex: granite, sandstone, basalt.

Sand - largest particles of rock in soil, other than pebbles, grains of sand can be .05 to 2 mm in diameter.

Silt - particles of rock smaller than sand found in soil.

Weathering - how natural forces wear down rocks over time. Ex: break down from wind & water or from falls; from freezing and warming cycles, and from chemicals like acid.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jaden - If you send a comment to my blog, this is the only way that I can respond to you. What happened to the instructions that we sent home with the last report card? See if you can find those. If not, talk to me tomorrow and we'll ask Jennifer to get you instructions on how to get on the grading program.
