Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thurs. 10/6 - 

  • Vocab Quiz on Friday, Oct. 7
  • See bottom of this post for make up homework if you did not complete parts 1 and 2 last night. 
  • Be sure to bring in your science notebook for grading on Friday. 
Part 3.   Study for Vocabulary Quiz on Friday on the following vocab terms discussed in class: 
  1. Atmosphere
  2. Climate
  3. Mean / Average
  4. Median
  5. Meteorologist
  6. Mode
  7. Precipitation
  8. Quantitative Data
  9. Qualitative Data
  10. Risk
  11. Weather  
How do you study for a Vocab Quiz?  Read each vocab definition from the vocab section in your science notebook. Then, close your science notebook and look at this list. Can you remember (most of) the definition (say it in your mind or out loud to yourself). For any definition you don't remember, go back and read it again. Then, close your eyes and see if you can remember the definition. 

Once you have them all down, go back through the list and make sure you can remember the meaning of each vocab term. Repeat this until you know the meaning of each term well enough to recognize it on a quiz. 

This is self-quizzing, a very effective way to learn.  

Part 1.  
Answer these questions from the SEPUP book pp. E-20 through E-23 in your science notebook: 
A. What is the climate of Climate Graph A?

B. What is the climate of Climate Graph B?

C. What is the climate of Climate Graph C?

D. Analysis Questions: 
1. What are the most common climate types in the United States?

2.  Compare your responses on Student Sheet 53.1 to Figure 1, "Map of Climates of North America". How do temperatures vary with latitude?  Support your answer with evidence from this activity.

3.  What is the relationship between weather and climate?

4. Could areas with different climates have the  same weather? 

Part 2.  Climograph homework

Directions: Look at this graph, which is an example of a climograph.  Answer the questions by recording in your science notebook today’s date, the title of this homework, the Number of each question, and the information to correctly fill in the blanks:

   1.       What type of information is shown on the Left  y-axis (the vertical axis)? _________________

   2.       What units are shown on the Left  y-axis (the vertical axis)? _________________

   3.       What type of information is shown on the Right   y-axis (the vertical axis)? _________________

   4.       What units are shown on the Right  y-axis (the vertical axis)? _________________

   5.       What type of information is shown on the x-axis (the horizontal or side-to-side axis)? _________________

   6.       What is the range of average precipitation? The lowest average precipitation is in the month of_____________, with an average of rainfall of only ____  _____, and the highest average precipitation is in the month of _____________, at ____  _____.

   7.       What is the range of average temperature? The lowest average temperature is in the month of_____________, when average temperature is ____  _____, and the highest average temperature is in the month of _____________, at ____  _____.

   8.       Using the link at right, go to the SEPUP e-book. Find the climate descriptions on p. E-20 to E-21. What type of climate is shown below?__________________


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