Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17th -
7th Graders: Write a Reflection on the left side (back page of your notes from today) in your Science Notebook, minimum 3 well-written sentences, about what we learned in class today.   Find vocab definitions at the bottom of this post:
6th Graders: Plant vs. Animal worksheet; Also, start working on your Introduced Species Research Activity Projects. I expect to see (at least) an image of your selected species tomorrow.
Revise your Introduced Species Research Activity schedule as follows:
step                              due    points possible
1. Group Choice             5/17      2
2. Images of species       5/21      3
3. Research Notes with  5/24      10
    Source Information
4. Poster                        5/29     10
5. Draft report                6/1    
     without bibliography               5
     with bibliography                   10
6. Report (Final)             6/11
    without bibliography                5
    with bibliography                    10
7. Written Presentation    6/14    10
   Outline (idx cards OK)
8. Presentation                6/18    20
total possible points:                   75

Continents - large land masses resting on large lithospheric plates that have been moving throughout geological time, now moving at centimeters per year, due to constructive forces (ex: lithosphere deformation, volcanic eruption, and deposition of  sediment) and destructive forces (including weathering, and erosion).

Lithosphere - The rigid upper portion of the earth that is broken into plates. It includes the crust and the uppermost portion of the mantle.

Plates - A large section of the lithosphere including Earth’s surface.

Risk - the chance that a particular action or event could result in something unfavorable, such as injury or death.

divergent - (spreading) A boundary between tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. Ex: Mid-Ocean Rifts, East African Rift.

convergent (colliding)- A boundary between tectonic plates that are moving toward each other. Ex: Himalayas (India crashing into Asia is a C:C boundary); Phillipine plate diving under the Eurasian plate, a C:O boundary or subduction zone).

subduction - (diving plate)An area where one tectonic plate is being forced downward toward the earth’s interior. This process causes the solid portions of the subducted plate to melt.

transform - (sliding) A boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding next to each other. also called a strike-slip boundary. Ex: San Andreas Fault, California

hot spot - (burn through center of plate) - an area where magma from dep within the mantle melts through the crust above it. Ex: Hawaii, Yellowstone.

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