Monday, May 22, 2017

A. Be sure you copied all notes shown below into your science notebook in class. (For those students in some classes who did not yet finish their notes).
B. All students: copy the notes shown below in bold print.
C.  All students: Check out my Quizlet, then answer the questions in your science notebook on the LEFT hand side page.
D.  Any student whose notebook is almost empty of paper, please ask your parents to get you a new notebook.

A. Make sure you have all Notes from class:
         Date: May 22, 2017         
         Topic: The Miracle Fish?
         Obj: TSW: read and discuss what happened after the Nile Perch was introduced into Lake Victoria.
         Key words:  
        ecologists – scientists who study relationships between organisms & environments.  
        Evidence – reproducible data or other information that is helpful in forming a conclusion supported by data. 
        trade-offs-  Any desired outcome (or advantage) that must be given up when one option is chosen over another during a decision-making process.  Compromise decision  when each choice involves both advantages and disadvantages.   

B. Record Homework notes in your science notebook: 
1. Bringing a species into a new environment can have consequences on how people and other organisms live. Consequences means a big effect: intended or unintended (ex: extinction of species, disease, social problems).

2. Organisms are living things. Organisms can be classified (or grouped) by the function (job) they serve in an ecosystem (ex: producer, consumer).

3. Species go extinct when the environment changes and the species can’t adapt enough (or quickly enough) to survive.

4. When an area becomes overpopulated, the increased use of resources will degrade the environment.

5. Making decisions about complex issues often involves trade-offs—giving up one thing to gain another. 

C. Check out the Quizlet at, then 
D. Answer Homework questions

Question: 1. What is a PRODUCER? 

Question: 2. What does an ecologist do?

Question: 3. What is an organism?

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