Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Write a Conclusion for your Lab Report.  In your Conclusion, please answer the following questions:

1.  Was your hypothesis correct?   Why or why not?  Cite evidence from your data Table.

2.  What were the variables?  Since you already discussed the results (the Dependent Variable) in the last question,  identify the Independent Variable.  In other words, what was the one thing that we changed in the experiment?

3. How could this lab be made better?  For example, you can answer this question by suggesting how to improve the materials or procedures.  Or, you could write about what other questions this lab raised for you, and how you could investigate the answers if we changed the lab.

For those of you who did the make up Lab, or did not finish the Lab REport homework from last night but your report wasn't checked yet, last night's work is shown below as the homework for May 8. 

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